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King Zace of The Sims 4
King Zace of The Sims 4
Creating Sims 4 Mods

Slices of Starfruit
This recipe comes in 2 sizes: a single serving and a party serving (8 servings)
Your sim will need to have a cooking skill level of 3 in order to make this dish.
Single serving uses 1 Starfruit as an ingredient.
Party serving uses 4 Starfruits as an ingredient.
This dish is vegetarian safe and lactose free.
Version 1 can be found in the snacks option in Leniad's Menu on fridges if you use
Andrew's Crafting Enabler mod with Leniad's Craftables Menu Expander.
Version 1 does not currently have a required ingredients option.
Version 2 can be found in the Healthy Snacks option in the Snacks option
in Srslysims Menu on fridges if you use
Andrew's Crafting Enabler mod with
Srsly's Custom Menus - Cooking - 3.0.0 mod and SrslySims SCCO or SCCOR mod.
Version 2 has a required ingredients option if using
Cottage Living's Simple Lifestyle lot trait.
This dish will also appear in the menu at Dine-In restaurants.
(Anything underlined is a link to that individual thing.)
07/25/24 (For SCCO version only)
None Currently
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