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Leniad Pies 1

Blackberry Pie

01-28-23_6-35-47 PM.png
01-28-23_6-35-15 PM.png

Lemon Curd Pie

01-28-23_6-42-11 PM.png
01-28-23_6-41-44 PM.png
01-28-23_6-08-03 PM.png
01-28-23_6-07-08 PM.png

Orange Dreamsicle Pie

01-28-23_6-11-38 PM.png
01-28-23_6-11-10 PM.png

The Blackberry Pie (Baking skill 6) uses the following ingredients: 

8 Blackberries, 1 Any Sugar (from SCCO), 2 Any Dough (from SCCO)


The Lemon Curd Pie (Baking skill 6) uses the following ingredients:

8 Lemons, 1 Any Dough (from SCCO), 1 Any Flour (from SCCO), 2 Any Sugar (from SCCO),

4 Any Eggs (from SCCO)


The Lemon Meringue Pie (Baking skill 7) uses the following ingredients:

8 Lemons, 1 Any Dough (from SCCO), 2 Any Sugar (from SCCO), 2 Any Butter (from SCCO),

4 Any Eggs (from SCCO)


The Orange Dreamsicle Pie (Baking skill 6) uses the following ingredients:

2 Oranges, 8 Any Whipped Cream (from SCCO), 2 Any Cream Cheese (from SCCO),

1 Any Sugar (from SCCO)


Note: Pies are made as the party serving size (8 servings)


I suggest that you use a lovely mod by LittleMsSam called No Auto Food Grab after Cooking.

I suggest this because at least one of these pies seems to be irresistible

 to sims to the point where they grab a slice immediately after setting the finished pie down.



There are 2 versions you can pick from below. 


Version 1

This version will appear within the customs menus created by Srslysims.

You will need Srsly's Custom Menus - Cooking - 3.0.0, Srslysims SCCO mods,

and Andrew's Crafting Enabler mod.

The pies will be found in the Customs menu > Baking > Pies

NOTE: This includes a required ingredients version for the simple living lot trait.





Version 2

This version will appear within Leniad's menus so all his foods will have their own menus.

You will need Srslysims SCCO mods (for ingredients), and Andrew's Crafting Enabler mod,

and Leniad's Menu Expander mod.

The pies will be found in the Craft Leniad Specialty menu > Pies and Cakes

NOTE: This does not include a version for simple living lot trait.




Updates: 07/25/24 (Version 1 only)


NOTE: The textures (with a few of my edits) and strings are all Leniad's 

Any translations these recipes had on Leniad's Site have been used on the these.

Click here to go to the original post on Leniad's Cupboard

Alternative link to Leniad's Cupboard

Lemon Meringue Pie

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